The ninety-one girls attending this conference were asked to answer the following question after each presentation, “What did you learn?” The girls were also ask to “Please write any other comments about your day that you would like to share with us”. These are a few examples the opinions the girls shared.
"The veterinarian part was the best!! I didn’t like that we couldn’t go to other parts."
"I think this program is excellent for girls like me because it acuttualy brings real life people who have carrers that could help us in school and even our own lifes."
I LOVED IT! But it could be even more better if we had more time.
I had a “Blast” here it was so much fun. I wish I could come hear every day. Thanks
Thankyou, for inviting us all to learn that girls can do and be anything that we want to!
This day was sooo amazing! I want to come again & again!
I learned a lot about different things and about different people and what they do and how its important
I had a lot of fun. Thank you. I learned so much fun and cool stuff. Now I really know how important math science and reading are important .
I’ve officially made up my mind to become a vet!
Today was sooo much fun even though at the beginning I was a little scared.
I loved Everything i was a little freaked out by the cow eye but it was fine (Thank You for everything)
Today was awesome!
Girls Can Do Anything!!
I think that I am very lucky to have been chosen to come to this conference!
It was very fun to do this workshop I learned a lot about the peoples careers.
I had a very good time & would love to come back again. Every thing was Amazing, I hope I remember it forever.
This was the funnest day ever!! I wish I could come again next year but I can’t!!
This experience was an honor. I learned so much and helped me understand more about different careers and what I want to be when I grow up!
I enjoyed learning about different careers to choose from for when I get older.
Today was fun. I had a great time here, I learned a lot. Thankyou for inviting us.
I think disecting a cow eye with Ms. eads was Kool! Also Dr. Sterlng Sigmond was fun because I know all about my Pets. I loved falow me with your cauculatyor with Ms. Scott, Erin
What I enjoyed most about the day is that when you study about math & science the studies could get really cool and you could become really interested.
This experience was very nice. I hope I can come back next year because it was and will be a great story to tell to my family when I see them. And now from this lesson and experience I will always remember that Girls can do ANYTHING!!
Thank you so much! I had a blast, I made new friends, saw old friends. Thank you
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